つくば生物ジャーナル Tsukuba Journal of Biology (2005) 4: TJB2005G113131

生 物 学 特 講 III 〔生物海洋学〕     Topics in Biology III 〔Biological Oceanography〕

科目番号: G11 3131
単位数: 1単位
標準履修年次: 2・3年
実施学期 曜時限: 第1学期 集中 [下田]
担当教員: ワイスバード

第3学期(Lecturer: Richard Weisburd)

授業概要(Course description):
From space, the oceans are the most obvious feature of the Earth, covering 71% of our planet's surface. Lifeas we know it seems to have evolved first in the sea and water is the most abundant component of livingthings. This course will survey the structure of the oceans and the role of living things in oceanic processes. Some familiarity with university level biology, chemistry, physics, and geology is recommended. Students canexpect to read about 30 pages for homework each week. The class will be conducted mostly in English.

(1)The oceanic realm: Origin and physical structure of the oceans
(2)Ocean currents and seawater composition
(3)Marine Productivity
(4)Marine organisms and food webs
(5)Life histories and recruitment
(6)Midterm exam
(7)Fisheries and aquaculture
(8)Symbioses, Life at the Interface, and Coral Reef Ecology
(9)Hydrothermal vents
(10)Global change, oceanography careers, and course review
(11)Final exam
(subject to minor change during the term)


単位取得条件、成績評価基準(Basis for grading):
Basis for grading: 25% midterm exam; 35% final exam; 40% class attendance

指定教科書(Required text):
Biological Oceanography : An Introduction by Carol M. Lalli ( 著), Timothy R. Parsons ( 著) 2nd edition (1997/06) Butterworth-Heinemann (Sd); ISBN: 0750633840
Or 生物海洋学入門, Carol M. Lalli ( 著), Timothy R. Parsons ( 著), 関文威( 翻訳), 長沼毅(翻訳) 単行本- 220 p (1996/10/01) 講談社; ISBN: 406153713X

参考書・文献(Optional texts):
Parsons, T.R., M. Takahashi, and B. Hargrave, 1984, Biological Oceanographic Processes. 3rd Edition.
Levinton, Jeffrey S., 2001, Marine Biology: Function, Biodiversity, Ecology. 2nd Edition.
Mann, K. H., 2000, Ecology of Coastal Waters: With Implications for Management. 2nd Edition.

オフィスアワー(Off ice hours):
Tuesdays 14:00 to 15:00, Wednesday 10:30 to 11:20, and by appointment;
Biology and Agriculture B614;Tel 853-4654; Email: weisburd@biol.tsukuba.ac.jp


©2005 筑波大学生物学類