つくば生物ジャーナル Tsukuba Journal of Biology (2006) 5: TJB200601200200733

Agonist-Induced Feedback Phosphorylation of the Calcium-Sensing Receptor at the Thr-888 Putative Protein Kinase C Site

小澤 愛(筑波大学 生物学類 4年)  指導教員:田中 俊之(筑波大学 生命環境科学研究科)
                              Donald Ward (The University of Manchester The Faculty of Life

Introduction and Aims
Calcium is an essential mineral for numerous physiological processes and extreme changes of blood calcium levels can precipitate life-threatening conditions. Thus, blood Ca2+ levels are controlled tightly by the regulated secretion of parathyroid hormone (PTH) and 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D3. The calcium-sensing receptor (CaR) is a type III G protein-coupled receptor that senses changes in blood calcium levels ([Ca2+]o) so as to allow feedback regulation of PTH secretion. Previous studies have shown that CaR-induced intracellular signalling is affected by activation or inhibition of protein kinase C (PKC) and that CaR residue Thr-888 (CaRT888), found in the receptor’s cytoplasmic tail, may be the site of PKC regulation. Thus, in the current study we employed a novel phospho-specific antibody to examine directly the phosphorylation of CaRT888. The first objective was to characterise the specificity of the antibody before studying CaRT888 phosphorylation in response to phorbol ester (PMA; potent PKC activator) treatment and then CaR activation. Finally, experiments were performed to identify the class of phosphatase most likely responsible for CaRT888 dephosphorylation.

CaRT888 phosphorylation was examined by immunoblotting and immunofluorescence in HEK cells stably transfected with the human parathyroid CaR (CaR-HEK). Cells were grown to 〜80% confluence in DMEM / 10% FBS medium and then exposed to various treatments, at 37oC for 10 mins, in HEPES buffer containing 0.5mM CaCl2 prior to lysis in RIPA buffer (immunoblotting) or fixation in paraformaldehyde (immunofluorescence).

Results and Discussion
Incubation of the CaR-HEK cells in PMA elicited increased CaRT888 phosphorylation and this immunoreactivity was ablated by pre-incubating the antibody with nanomolar concentrations of phospho-peptide but not nonphospho-peptide. This demonstrated the specificity of the antibody and shows that CaRT888 can be phosphorylated by PMA-sensitive PKC isotypes (i.e. cPKC or nPKC).
  Next, stimulation of the cells with increased Ca2+o levels or the CaR-selective activator NPS-467R also increased CaRT888 phosphorylation, indicating the presence of feedback signalling on the CaR. These responses were inhibited by PKC inhibition (GF109203X) or downregulation (chronic PMA pre-treatment).
  Finally, cells were treated with PMA (to induce CaRT888 phosphorylation) and then incubated for a further 5 mins in PMA-free buffer (plus GF109203X) during which substantial CaRT888 dephosphorylation was observed. However, this was prevented by cotreatment with the PP1/PP2A phosphatase inhibitor calyculin A.
  Together, these data prove that PKC does phosphorylate the CaR upon residue Thr-888, that agonist-induced receptor activation elicits feedback phosphorylation of the receptor, and, that the CaR phosphatase is calyculin-sensitive.

©2006 筑波大学生物学類