
    ネオ生物学シリーズーゲノムから見た新しい生物像、「植物」(1996) 9-24
  第4章 植物やバクテリアにもある生物時計
  実験医学バイオサイエンス、「生物時計のはなし」(石田直理雄 著)
  羊土社 (2000)
  Germin とGermin-Like Protein
  植物の化学調節 Vol.34 No.2 (2000) 

1.M. Ono, K.Yamada, K. Sage, M. Okazaki and H. Harada
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2.M. Ono,  K. Sage,  K. Yamada, M. Yasui and M. Okazaki  
        Axillary bud flowering after apical decapitation in Pharbitis in relation to photoinduction.
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3.M. Ono, K. Sage-Ono, M. Yasui, M. Okazaki and H. Harada
        Changes in polypeptides in Pharbitis cotyledons during the first flower-inductive photoperiod.
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4.M. Ono, K. Sage-Ono, M. Yasui, M. Okazaki and H. Harada
        Transient increase of a germin-like protein mRNA in leaves of the short-day plant Pharbitis nil 
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5.K. Sage-Ono, M. Ono, H. Harada and H. Kamada
        Dark induction of a TCTP homolog mRNA accumulation.
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6.K. Sage-Ono, M. Ono, H. Harada and H. Kamada
        Accumulation of a clock-regulated transcript during flower-inductive darkness in Pharbitis.
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7. K.Sage-Ono, M.Ono, T. Oguchi, M. Hasebe, Z. -J. Xu, K. Ueda, M. Inoue and
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   Molecular identification of two genes of germin-like protein in Arabidopsis.
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8.M. Ono, K. Sage-Ono, M. Kawakami, M. Hasebe, K. Ueda, K. Masuda, M. Inoue and H. Kamada.
       Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation and Regeneration of Pharbitis nil.
       Plant Biotechnology., 17(3), 211-216 (2000).